Category: Sponsor hes for me

  • Own Who You Are Today

    This evening, yet again, I wrap up an incoming business telephone call with a successful bachelor in his 50s. He’s driven, intelligent, caring, nice looking, and eligible. He’s giving to his community, his alma mater, those in need, and the underdog. He loves a challenge. He’s sought after professionally. He’s good to his family and […]

  • Ten Things to Know When Hiring a Matchmaker

    Guest Blog by Mallory Love, Director of Client Services, He’s For Me At the risk of revealing a matchmaker’s trade secrets, I can no longer stand by with you out there wondering how matchmaking can make a difference in your life. I live it. I do it every day, and have for nearly two years. […]

  • Love is my Religion

    By Tammy Shaklee, Founder, He’s For Me A journalist once interviewed me for one hour to discuss my journey in now being known in my industry (of certified matchmakers) as the Gay Matchmaker. It was a fast interview, ending with a final rapid fire question: “If you could give a speech to the world for […]

  • Driving Away (Negative Head Talk)

    By Tammy Shaklee, Founder, He’s For Me Takes one to know one. You’ve heard it. So I’ll remind you that I was a matchmaking client. That’s right. I, too, wanted someone to please just find the good guys, and call me when you have a match, because I love my career and I’d like to […]

  • Rebooting Your Love Life in 2016

    As I sit to write this, I feel like an investigative reporter. With the afternoon shower, I’ve escaped to the Solarium on Brilliance of the Seas, Royal Caribbean’s “adult” pool, for shelter. Laptop on table, House of Cards new season streaming on wildly rare occasion based on wifi connectivity, I promised to complete the next […]

  • The Man You Date. Wait, I Mean Marry… Continued

    By Tammy Shaklee, Founder, He’s For Me To recap: There’s a difference between the man you “date” and the man you would marry. As I said, “Gentlemen, if it seems and feels and makes you wonder if it’s too good to be true? It probably is.” Men, it’s easy to interact with someone online. I […]

  • The Man You Date. Wait, I Mean Marry.

    By Tammy Shaklee, Founder, He’s For Me Yes, gentlemen. There is often a difference. An important distinction. Not everything in life is black and white. In most things, there is some grey area. And I guess that could apply here too. But after interviewing eligible gay men for more than three years, I can tell […]

  • You Never Know Who You’ll Meet

    It’s the Holiday Season. Parties, toasts, special programs, gatherings, and expectations to make it a memorable one. Especially in light of all going on in the world. We all seek togetherness. With friends, new and old, loved ones, family, and those chosen friends we consider our extended family.

  • The 3 C’s of a Compatible Match

      By Tammy Shaklee, Founder, He’s For Me When gay singles conduct their personal interview with a certified matchmaker, they can be quite specific regarding the man they are seeking in a long-term relationship. I’ve experienced singles bringing in detailed multi-page lists, some prioritized, charted, and even diagramed out. Most have a list on their […]

  • Singles, Everything’s Going to be Okay

    By Tammy Shaklee, Founder, He’s For Me You say you’re ready for this. Ready to take the leap of faith into love. You want a compatible partner. A good man (or woman). And yes, let’s be honest, one that you will be hot for not only now, but years down the road. And yet something […]