Gay in Austin Happy Hour – April 2012

Every happy hour seems to get bigger and better! The Happy Hour is a great opportunity to meet and connect with folks moving to Austin or other Austinites looking to expand their social circles. Close to 70 guests attended the April happy hour at The Graber Residence on Sixth St. The happy hours are typically at a bar and free to enter. Since Tito’s Vodka donated the liquor for the event, all the donations made at the door went to Equality Texas. Thanks to all  who made a donation – we were able to collect $610 to contribute to a great organization that is working on full equality for the LGBT community in Texas.

If you’re recently moved to Austin or are looking to expand your social circle, you definitely need to come out to the next happy hour. Our goal is to always have a unique and interesting mix of people at these events. Help us grow the Gay in Austin Happy Hour by liking us on Facebook and inviting your friends to the next happy hour.

