Give to Get

Whether you’ve been in Austin for 10 years or 10 minutes, you know that we’re a unique city. We just do things differently . . .  including how we give. From a volunteer perspective we rock. But there’s always room for improvement right? One way we’re not so good is in donating our money. In fact, a report ranked Austin 48th out of the 50 largest US cities in per capita giving. We can do better, scratch that, we have to do better than that.

One way to change this is Amplify Austin. Visit during Amplify Austin Day, which starts at 7pm, March 4 and ends 7pm, March 5 and make your donation of $25 or more. There are over 330 nonprofits to choose from. I’ve decided to support Project Transitions and help those living with HIV/AIDS. What can $25 do to help an organization like Project Transitions?

  • $25 provides a day of affordable housing and supportive social services for a family.
  • $175 gives a family a full week of housing and support.
  • $284 is a day of around-the-clock hospice care for a patient in the final stages of AIDS.
  • $750 ensures a month of housing and support for a family.

I hope you’ll join me in supporting Austin’s non-profits and give during Amplify Austin! Let’s Amplify Austin!