Why You Should Vote No on Proposition 3
There has been a lot of discussion lately in Austin about Proposition 3, which seeks to change the current form of city government from an at-large 6 member council to a council of 10 single-member district representatives.
Austin Police Chief + APD Says “It Gets Better”
In a moving video from the Austin Police Department, Police Chief, Art Acevedo, and Austin’s Police Officers tell Texas youth “It Gets Better.”
ZACH Theatre’s NEW Topfer Theatre – Opening Night Sept 27th
T-Minus 8 days until the ZACH Theatre’s New Topfer Theatre opening weekend and I’ve heard from numerous people this theatre is phenomenal. I had a chance to see the theatre first hand and I have to say, they were correct!
Design Concepts for Waller Creek Released Sept. 17th
On Monday, September 17th the Waller Creek Conservancy and the four finalists for the Waller Creek Design will release their project renderings and design concept summaries. The design concepts will be on public display from September 17th, 2012 until September 30th, 2012. On October 2nd, the jury for the Waller Creek Conservancy will start evaluating […]